Instructions for Authors

Geologos is published by the Geological Institute of Adam Mickiewicz University (postal address: Editorial Office Geologos, Geological Institute, Adam Mickiewicz University, Bogumiła Krygowskiego 12, 61-680 Poznań, Poland; E-mail


Geologos is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing research results and review articles covering all earth-science disciplines, with a focus on the geology of central and eastern Europe. Manuscripts dealing with the geology of these areas will get priority. Studies on areas of poorly known geology (e.g. Asia and Africa) are also published. Articles from non-European areas should be universal and problem-related, while purely regional issues are avoided. Only manuscripts in English are considered for publication. All manuscripts should meet international standards regarding the quality of both the scientific content and the presentation (structure, style, good English, high-quality figures, etc.).

Publishing ethics

Authors are obliged to ensure that the submitted manuscript and supplementary material are original and authentic. The Editorial Board does not allow for any indications of authorship misconduct, including:

  • Duplicate publications – republishing one's own full or partial work.
  • Plagiarism – appropriating another author’s or authors’ complete work or a fragment of it without citing its source. If plagiarism is found, the editors reject the manuscript. This rejection is not subject to discussion between the author and the editors.
  • Fabricated data – preparing a scientific work based on untrue research results.
  • Guest authorship – listing as co-authors persons who made an infinitesimal or no contribution to the article.
During the first submission of the manuscript, the authors must submit a declaration in which they declare that the submitted work is an original, unpublished work, does not infringe the copyrights of third parties and is not, in whole or in part, under consideration elsewhere.


New manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form, in the Word format. An accompanying letter should stipulate why the manuscript is of interest for the readership of Geologos.

The text (including references and captions to figures and tables) should be submitted as a separate file. Each table should be submitted as an individual file.

All files should be submitted by email to the above address (

Receipt of a manuscript will be acknowledged. If no acknowledgement is received within one week (except for the summer field season), the Editors should be contacted by e-mail.


The text should be double-spaced on A4 page size with 2.5 cm margins and 12-point font size (Times New Roman). All lines should be numbered consecutively (not per page). The text should be in good English; if the English is of poor quality, the manuscript may be returned to the corresponding author, requesting language correction first (the Editors may be consulted by the authors for addresses of professional text correctors).

The text file should be arranged in the following order:

  • title
  • full name(s) and address(es) (including e-mail)
  • abstract (maximally 350 words, preferably 150-250 words)
  • keywords (maximally five)
  • main text
  • acknowledgements
  • references
  • captions for tables and figures

Figures must be of high quality, with lettering and lines easy to read, taking into account that the preferred size of figures in the journal is: (a) width 170 mm (two columns of text) and height maximally 250 mm, or (b) width 80 mm (one text column) and height maximally 250 mm. All figures and tables should be cited in the text in the correct order.

Both drawings and photographs are considered as figures and should be numbered as such (Fig.).

Tables should be reducible in print to (a) a width of 80 or 170 mm and a maximum height of 250 mm, or (b) a width of 250 mm and a maximum height of 170 mm. Vertical lines in tables should be avoided.

Tables should not be prepared with the table option of Word.

An appendix should contain information that is substantial in length, that is not necessary for the reader to understand the running text, and that would unduly interrupt the running text. As such material is rarely interesting for a large number of readers, the Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the reviewers and/or the Editorial Board, can decide that the Appendix (or Appendices) will not be published, but should be replaced by a sentence in the text that the data can be obtained from the corresponding author. If appendices are considered acceptable, each of them should be submitted as an individual file (e.g. Smith-Appendix-1-doc).

References in the text should be as follows: "... as shown by Smith (2003, 2008), Brown & Johnson (2007) and Fedorowski et al. (2008); or, alternatively, "... as was found already some years ago (Smith, 1993, 1998; Brown & Johnson, 1997; Fedorowski et al., 1998).

In the reference list, works of one author should be ordered according to year; if there are also works with co-authors, first the works with one co-author are mentioned, alphabetically and then according to year; in the case of three or more authors, the references should be according to year, then alphabetically. If there are more publications by an author in one year, they should be referred to in both the text and the reference list as a, b, etc.

Examples (note that journal titles are written in full, and that journal and book titles are written in italics):

Gross, M.R. & Eyal, Y., 2007. Throughgoing fractures in layered carbonate rocks. Geological Society of America Bulletin 119, 1387-1404.

Gudmundsson, M.T., 2005. Subglacial volcanic activity in Iceland. [In:] C. Caseldine, A. Russell, J. Hardardóttir & Ó. Knudsen (Eds): Iceland - modern processes and past environments. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 127-151.

Yang, X.-S., 2008. Mathematical modelling for earth sciences. Dunedin Academic Press, Edinburgh, 310 pp.

In the case of reference to an text that was not written in a generally accessible language, the title of the work should be given in English [between brackets] immediately after the original title, for instance:

Wysota, W., 2002. Stratygrafia i środowiska sedymentacji zlodowacenia Wisły w południowej części dolnego Powiśla [Stratigraphy and sedimentary environments of the Weichselian glaciation in the southern part of the lower Vistula region]. Torun University Press, Toruń, 144 pp.

Note: references to material in an ‘exotic’ language or published in a journal (or by a publisher) which is not generally accessible, should be restricted to an absolute minimum. Moreover, unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in Geologos reference list.


Manuscripts are subject to a double-blind peer review carried out by two independent reviewers. Each manuscript will, as a rule, be reviewed by two referees, commonly one Polish and one foreign. Authors are obliged to respond in writing to the reviewers’ reports and correct their papers accordingly. In case they disagree with any of the comments, they must formulate a response addressing the unaccepted suggestions. If major revision is advised, the revised manuscript may be sent out again for review.

Download review form

Availability of publications

One issue of Geologos are supplied free of chargé for each author. Pdf version of all individual contributions can be downloaded from the Geologos website: (open access).


The Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivs License ( is applicable since 2023. This means that the authors who submit their manuscripts in Geologos, retain all their authorship rights. The user of a given work may share it (copy and disseminate it in any medium and format) and adapt it (change it and create new content on its basis for any purpose), on the terms of attribution – the material has to be appropriately attributed (by providing the name and surname of the author, year, the title and the number of the journal). No legal measures may be used that would restrict others from using the article under the terms of the licence.

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