Geologos is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing research results and review articles covering all earth-science disciplines, with a focus on the geology of central and eastern Europe.
Our papers are visible on Web of Science and Scopus
Current (2023) metrics:
IF = 0.9
JCI = 0.44
CiteScore = 0.7
SJR = 0.223
SNIP = 0.415
All publications in the GEOLOGOS journal are free of charge. After the decision of acceptance, we provide free linguistic proofreading. Articles are published no later than three months after acceptance.

Characteristics and mineralogy of sediments in the Hongsa lignite deposit, northwestern Laos - - Thunyapat Sattraburut, Yupa Thasod, Benjavun Ratanasthien & Sirasit Vongvassana
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Groundwater well fields in ice-margin valley aquifers - is it easy to protect them, or not? An overview of hydrogeological and legal aspects of determining wellhead protection zones - - Magdalena Matusiak, Józef Górski, Krzysztof Dragon & Roksana Kruć-Fijałkowska
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Depositional palaeoenvironments in a tide-influenced delta plain with amphibian and Cycadophyta remains - the Triassic Zarzaitine Formation (Algerian eastern Sahara) - - S. Mazrou, Y. Lasnami, J. Amer & A. Boutaleb
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Adventures in Volcanoland: What Volcanoes Tell Us About the World and Ourselves - - Claudio Scarpati
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Geological objects and structures in 3D: observation, interpretation and building of 3D Models - - Wojciech Stawikowski
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Authors of articles published in Geologos in 2024 - brief information -
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Thanks to the journal's reviewers -
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